Entrepreneurship in Movement (EiM) is a catalytic program that fosters the socioeconomic integration of migrants in their host communities and promotes social cohesion; identifying opportunities for socio-economic integration, developing in-demand skills and promoting entrepreneurship with seed capital and access to job opportunities.
EiM is creating conditions for self-sufficiency, through stable and decent employment for migrants, promotes economic development, increases social cohesion and reduces marginalization.
Entrepreneurship potential
Dayana – EiM Beneficiary
Entrepreneurship empowers migrants to establish a new way of life in their host countries and integrate into the local economy as agents of development.
Additionally, tapping into this currently unemployed or underemployed workforce will help recipient countries recover from the economic crisis caused by COVID-19.
Economic benefits
Owning a business allows to have financial security and self-sufficiency. When migrants generate their own livelihoods, they are less likely to be victims of labor exploitation or abuse.
Social benefits
Migrant entrepreneurs create networks with businesses, local suppliers and customers outside their community, forming multicultural societies. Through entrepreneurship, new niches can also be created, where they do not compete with local workers, which can help overcome xenophobia.
Psychological benefits
Creating something for yourself, achieving self-sufficiency, and knowing that something belongs to you in a new environment helps give migrants a sense of dignity after much loss.
Women migrant entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurship is a powerful economic strategy for migrant women, who often experience unequal access to training and employment opportunities.
Women who earn a livelihood are more likely to invest in their families and communities (OECD).
Therefore, promoting the economic empowerment of women is essential to eradicate poverty and grow inclusive economies.
Stories in Movement
Voices in Movement Podcast
Voices in Movement is a podcast of the EiM program, created by the USA for IOM and financed by Citi Foundation. This podcast tells the stories of migrants, who have managed to get ahead in their host countries with the help of IOM, contributing to the development of their current community. We invite you to listen to first-hand accounts without the noise of media figures or cold statistics.